Cleaning Examples
BioWash was first invented as a non-toxic, noncarcenogenic, all purpose cleaner because it did the same thing to dirt, grime and oil as it does to nutrients; it breaks them down into nano-sized particles.
Here are examples of the results when BioWash is used as a cleaner.
These rugs were exactly the same dirtiness.
I washed the one on the right in the laundry with BioWash and detergent.
I accidentally used a nice dish towel to wipe my car engine making it dirty with oil stains
First, I did a BioWash presoak for about ten minutes
Then I washed it with detergent and BioWash.
I was not able to remove every oil stain but it is clean and usable.
Here's my grill after cooking some steaks
This Playmate cooler has decades of grime on it (plus a little shellac)
Here's the cooler after cleaning with BioWash (no, couldn't get the shellac off)
Diluted BioWash with a pressure washer really cleans and the overspray make the plants grow better!
Shower floors are always a challenge, it helps to have a non-smelling cleaner to handle the job.